Expertise Offered
Parenting and Family Relationships
In this era of parenting, we have more information and research at our disposal than generations of parents before us. Yet, there seems to be little consensus on what counts as the “right” way to raise a child.
At Couch Psychology, we believe that there is no one-size-fits-all formula. Instead, we draw upon a body of internationally recognized best practices to provide you with parenting tools that are customized to you and your child. As certified practitioners of evidence-based approaches such as the Triple P parenting program, attachment-focused parenting and emotion-focused parenting, we coach parents to overcome common struggles such as:
Implementing positive discipline
Management of children with emotional and behavioural challenges
Trauma-informed parenting
Working through attachment difficulties between parent and child
Enhancing parent-child relationships in adoptive, reconstituted, or single-parent families